Cyber Liability: What is the Risk?
Cyber Liability… What is the Risk?
Oftentimes, what we don’t understand gets put on the “to-do” list underneath a stack of more pressing issues. Unfortunately, when it comes to protecting your business against cyber attacks, the risk to your business only grows as cyber liability remains on the bottom of your to-do list.
It can be overwhelming trying to navigate the waters of cyber liability—what’s the newest scam to watch out for? Are your employees properly trained on safe technology practices? How much exposure does your business really have? We all have anti-virus software on our computers and know not to click on any strange links in emails but as cyber criminals become more and more sophisticated, you have to ensure that your business is properly protected in the event you do suffer an attack. As the Canadian Chamber of Commerce notes in 2017, 71% of data breaches happened to small businesses.
We are here to help! Our brokerage has access to a number of products that can be tailored to your business’ needs. Coverage highlights include:
- Payment Card Industry Fines
- Ransomware/Cyber Extortion
- Reputational Harm
- Access to Expert Advice in the Event of a Breach
- Legal Services
Contact us to discuss any questions you may have as well as coverage options we have available.